rebar bender

“Clever” Ways to Cut and Bend Rebar

  The Art of Cutting and Bending Rebar Contractor and Engineers have discovered and employed numerous methods when it comes to cutting and bending rebar on construction job sites. Reinforced steel bars are made to be durable, as they are used to provide a solid structure and support system for concrete buildings. Because of the Read more…

The Science Behind Your Favorite Power Tools

For centuries, construction workers and product assemblers had to rely on hand tools and their personal strength to do plenty of hard work. With the advent of small motors and unlimited electricity, all that hard work became the job of power tools instead of the workers. If you rely on power tools to do your job Read more…

5 Fun Outdoor Rebar Projects to Try This Summer

Steel rebar is used for giving extra strength to concrete and other building materials, but it’s far more versatile than you might imagine. It’s easy enough to bend, shape, and cut it with just a few power tools. If you’re looking to get creative and decorate your yard without spending a ton at the local Read more…

How to Remove Stubborn Rebar Stakes

Many projects, such as an old farm or an old or abandoned home site, generally require a lot of cleaning up. However, you’ll need to do quite of bit of reclaiming before you can move in or begin new construction. Learn how to handle leftover pieces of rebar stakes sticking out of the ground or Read more…

Proper Rebar Bending Techniques & Maintenance

Proper rebar bending techniques are the key to making sure your rebar structural brace is done accurately. When rebar is bent or cut improperly, the safety of the construction professional is at stake, as is the reliability of your structure’s reinforcement. As a construction professional, you do not want to compromise either of these elements Read more…