rebar tools

4 FAQs About Rebar

Rebar is a construction site staple that reinforces nearly every commercial structure in the United States. You can hardly find a site without a stack of these metal bars lying around, and they are constantly being cut, tied, and reinforced before concrete is poured. As might be expected, there is a tremendous amount of knowledge Read more…

Proper Rebar Bending Techniques & Maintenance

Proper rebar bending techniques are the key to making sure your rebar structural brace is done accurately. When rebar is bent or cut improperly, the safety of the construction professional is at stake, as is the reliability of your structure’s reinforcement. As a construction professional, you do not want to compromise either of these elements Read more…

How Rebar is Made

Rebar is found in virtually every concrete and masonry structure. It is short for “reinforcement bar” and refers to the steel rods that are installed inside the concrete and brick to help them keep their shape. This device is essential for ensuring safe, durable structures that will be reliable for years. Without them, the natural Read more…