green building

The Economic Influence of Recycling

Revised by BN Products USA™, November 2020 Helping the environment can have a positive impact on your bottom line. Recycled materials have a positive effect on the environment as they help to prevent more waste from being generated and reduce the consumption and use of new materials. As outlined in our previous post, Recycling 101, Read more…

Recycling 101

Recycling has made a massive impact on the construction industry. The advancements that have been made in recent years within the recycling industry have led to a decrease in the bottom line of construction companies. As recycling technologies continue to be used, their impact will continue to increase as well. The need for re-usable materials Read more…

What You’ve Always Wanted To Know About Green Building

Green building principles have been around for a while now, however, regulations, rule and practices are just beginning to become the norm. By helping your company transition into a more environmentally friendly way of building, you’ll be setting your company up for success in the future, as consumers become more conscious, and helping to increase Read more…

Sustainable Construction 101

Now more than ever and on a much larger scale, there is a major emphasis on sustainable construction. Building structures that are eco-friendly, durable and which will provide long-term support to the people that use them is key to supporting the three main principles of “green construction,” which are people, planet and profit. It is not Read more…