Current Trends in Concrete Construction (2022)

As we consider the short and longer-term future of any industry, it’s only human nature to gravitate our thinking toward mind-blowing advancements in technology that have the potential to transform how we work (and play!). The construction industry and its subsets, including concrete construction, are really no different. Early in 2022, many of us have Read more…
It’s About Supply & Demand

…A Reality Check in the 2021 Global Supply Chain by Ed Truxal, Business Development Analyst (BN Products-USA™) | Email There is little “news” in announcing the fact that supply chains affecting the U.S. economy are highly disrupted in mid-2021, particularly in Wholesale/Retail Trade, Manufacturing, and an industry very important to BN Products USA™ – Construction. Read more…
A “Conventional” Success

(…And a Look Ahead to 2022!) by Ed Truxal, Business Development Analyst (BN Products-USA™) | Email As the United States slowly migrate back to an active business culture during the COVID-19 pandemic, the success of the 2021 World of Concrete Show – our industry’s top international trade show – became a major milestone both for Read more…
World of Concrete Returns!

Concrete Contractors and Masonry professionals know that only one international convention brings together contractors, suppliers, industry educators, and innovators together each year on a grand scale. The annual World of Concrete Show convenes each winter at the Las Vegas Convention Center, in most years drawing in excess of 50,000 visitors, making it easily the world’s Read more…
Choosing a Drywall Sander for Your Job

For many of us – who are not contractors, but homeowners – when we think of installed Drywall, we think of paint jobs, family debate over colors for each room, and are grateful for the fact that drywall generally lasts many years, can be repaired, and is cost-effective. However, before any paint can be selected, Read more…
Concrete Form Safety Tools

Installation and removal of concrete forms can be a back-breaking and sometimes dangerous job. Whether you are driving stakes or pulling duplex nails and stakes on the job site, BN Products USA has introduced a tool set that makes the tasks far easier and safer for the contractor. Our tools provide the means to hold Read more…
The Three Best Tools to Break Up Concrete

This article was originally published by Falling Up Media on June 5, 2017, and revised by BN Products USA™ – October, 2020 You want that concrete gone! Hire a pro? Can I do-it-myself? This article will help you understand the size of the job, and the right tools to get the big job done. You’ve Read more…
What is a Rebar Reinforcement Rod Placer?

Managing construction projects is no simple task, especially with so many moving parts. You’ve got the architects, the electricians, the inspectors, the project managers, and many more. The list of specialties and skills is long, but every project manager knows that each is essential to a project’s success. One of these essential roles is the Read more…
Product Spotlight: DC-20WH Portable Rebar Cutter

When you’re on the clock and have to cut rebar, it’s essential to have the right tools necessary for the job. With instruments from BN Products-USA, LLC, professionals can quickly cut rebar efficiently and safely, quickly completing any task or rescue within minutes. For more than 25 years, the DC-20WH portable rebar cutter has been Read more…
4 FAQs About Rebar

Rebar is a construction site staple that reinforces nearly every commercial structure in the United States. You can hardly find a site without a stack of these metal bars lying around, and they are constantly being cut, tied, and reinforced before concrete is poured. As might be expected, there is a tremendous amount of knowledge Read more…